PMI Online Exam Support: General FAQs
Where do you hold your exams?
All PMI exams are currently being held online. Learners will be required to download the TestReach application on the system/device which they will use to sit the exam. You can take your exam in an office/work environment, or in the comfort of your own home.
How do I take an online exam?
You will be required to book yourself on to the exam you wish to sit via the PMI website. After bookings close you will then be contacted by TestReach in due course, who will provide you with log-in details for your account for the TestReach application closer to the date of your exam, which will enable you to take your online proctored exam.
Are there any pre-requisites to sit for a PMI exam/qualification.
There are no minimum requirements to sit any PMI qualifications. Learners are advised to opt for a course/PMI Pathway as per their career aspirations. We would advise looking in depth at qualification specification/syllabuses and ensuring the information on the webpages is read in good detail.
How do I decide which qualification/module would work best for me?
Leaners are advised to refer to PMI Competency Framework where we have aligned our qualification as per the career roles of the candidates. For further guidance and questions please contact PMI Qualifications.
What type of questions can be asked in an online exam?
The assessment model would differ for each qualification. For example, the Retirement Provision Certificate (RPC) qualification is based on multiple choice questions, whereas the Certificate in Pension Calculations (CPC) is designed in a calculation based format. The Advanced Diploma in Retirement Provision (ADRP) would be assessed based on short and long answer questions. For further details, learners are advised to visit the webpage of the qualification they are enrolling for, to get specific guidance.
What should I do if I miss my exam?
You can submit extenuating circumstances if your reasons for missing the exam were exceptional and beyond your control, which will then be reviewed before a decision is made. However, as per our policy on cancellations and deferrals, if you are a ‘no show’ for your exam and we do not receive a sufficient reason as to why you were not present, you would be required to book on again for the next sitting at the full cost of the exam if you wished to still sit it.
Can I retake an exam at a reduced price if I fail?
Yes, the Advance Diploma in Retirement Provision (ADRP), Certificate in Pension Calculations (CPC) and Retirement Provision Certificate (RPC) exams can be taken at a reduced re-sit price. Your entitlement to only pay the re-sit cost is valid for exactly one year from the exam sitting you failed. For example, if you were to fail your exam in the Autumn 2023 sitting, your re-sit would have to be taken by Autumn 2024 at the very latest. If you missed this sitting, your eligibility to only pay the re-sit fee would have expired and you would have to pay the full price during the Spring 2025 exam sitting.
Please note, there is no re-sit price for the Award in Pension Trusteeship (APT) and Certificate in Pension Trusteeship (CPT) Unit 2 exams. If you fail either of these or wish to re-sit, the cost will remain the same as the original price you initially paid.
Is there a sample paper that I can view prior to the examination?
Yes, there are links attached to our qualification webpages which refer to past papers and examiners’ reports.
However, past papers are available for the Advance Diploma in Retirement Provision (ADRP) and Certificate in Pension Calculations (CPC) qualifications only. The same is not applicable for the Retirement Provision Certificate (RPC), Award in Pension Trusteeship (APT) and Certificate in Pension Trusteeship (CPT) Unit 2 exams. Those exams work with a ‘live’ question bank, which means that questions can be recycled and end up in future exam papers. Sample questions & answers are available for those exams instead, on the respective webpages.
Do I need to download any software onto my computer to take the examination?
Yes, you will be required to download the TestReach application to your device (laptop/desktop computer). If you are going to be taking your exam using a work device, we strongly urge you to get in touch with your IT team ASAP, who may need to enable certain permissions for the application to be downloaded and accessed. It is crucial that this is actioned in good time and as early as possible, as all learners are required to schedule themselves onto their exam 72 hours before they are due to sit the exam, to pass all the system checks, to avoid any issues on the day of the exam. A link to download the TestReach application is available on our qualification webpages.
Am I eligible for extra time during the exam?
Yes, if you have any medical conditions that inhibit your ability to complete an exam within the standard timeframe, e.g., dyslexia, or dyscalculia or a language reuquirement where English is not your first language, then we can offer you an additional 25% extra time on top of the standard exam time.
In the case of a medical condition then we would need supporting evidence, such as a medical note from your doctor, to be provided to us, which would then be reviewed by a member of the team and a decision then made.
If you require extra time, the PMI Qualifications team will get in touch in the run-up to your exam and request it from you in due course.
What happens if my internet connection fails during an online exam?
If your internet connection fails during an exam, we would request that you get in touch with the TestReach support team, who will attempt to troubleshoot and support you to get yourself reconnected with your exam and invigilator. If the problem continues to persist, you will be directed to the PMI Qualifications team where we will advise on the next steps to take.
When results of my online exam will be issued?
Please ensure you check the respective webpage of the exam that you sat for this information. Exam release dates will be posted on there, so you are aware as to when you can expect to receive your results.
Will I need ID for my exam?
Yes, you will need ID for your exam which will have to be shown to your online invigilator before you start. You will be made aware in the run-up to the exam of what ID is ‘valid’ and acceptable to use.
Do I have to stay for the whole duration of the exam even if I have finished?
No, you do not have to stay for the duration of your exam. If you are happy with the answers, you have provided and have clicked on the ‘submit’ button, you will be allowed to finish early.
Are there any minimum system requirements to take the examination?
There are minimum system requirements to sit your exam online. You can check to see if you fulfil these technical requirements by taking a look through the TestReach Remote Invigilation Protocol PDF linked here.
How is an online proctored exam different to an exam taken in a test centre?
The only difference is that the exam is taken online, so you can sit the exam in the comfort of your own home if you wish to do so. Fundamentally, however, there is no difference. By using TestReach we are ensuring that we are fully compliant with Ofqual regulations. Each learner is invigilated online by their exam proctor, who can see/hear the learner, as well as having a visual of their screen too, to see what the learner is viewing. Certain pre-exam checks are also taken beforehand to ensure that the learner’s environment is acceptable for sitting an exam.
All these factors ensure that the exams maintain their integrity and are in no way compromised by being held online.
The TestReach Desktop App is very robust, safe to run and has been rolled out across the UK, in local government, emergency services, universities, pension administrators, financial corporations, etc. without any negative reports.
Once the exam is completed, the TestReach App can be closed by clicking the button and has no notification service or any other configuration that runs whilst the application is not in use.
Furthermore, TestReach is compliant with ISO standards and exams run are approved by many accrediting bodies.
What happens during the environment checks for remote invigilated exams?
Please refer to the information in the TestReach Remote Invigilation Protocol PDF, which describes the validation protocol and the steps that trained invigilators will take to verify the identity of the candidate and to ensure that the candidate’s test environment is secure – this is for your information, and to know what to expect during the online exam.
Can I take a break during my exam?
Although comfort breaks are of course allowed, you should inform your invigilator beforehand (like you would in an exam centre). Your exam will NOT be paused/stopped while you have breaks, so please be mindful of how much time you have remaining for your exam.
Can I eat or drink during my exam?
All PMI exams should be taken in exam conditions. Although snacks are allowed, eating a full meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner etc.) is not permitted.
In short written answer exams what functionality is there in the exam environment while writing the answer?
The following formatting options are available:
Why do I need to confirm that I agree to the PMI Terms and Conditions before I can enter the examination?
Even though taking an examination at home may be perceived as being a more relaxed environment, you are under strict examination conditions.
For example, if you were to take your examination in a physical test centre, you are required to conduct yourself in accordance with the PMI candidate guidance in operation at the time and abide by the Examination Rules and Regulations.
Any breaches of these could result in your examination being flagged to the PMI Qualifications team to review as part of the PMI Malpractice Policy.